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    文章出處:http://www.traneyx.com.cn/ 人氣: 0 發(fā)表時(shí)間:2023-06-12
    The sensing door is a very intelligent industrial door, and often some customers cannot understand the sensing method of the sensing door. How to choose? Next, let's introduce the characteristics of the sensing method for Jinan induction doors.
    ① Radar sensing system: The infrared sensing system can be installed on both sides or on one side, and the quick door will automatically open when sensing moving objects. If a person or vehicle walks within the set range, the fast door will automatically open and close through the back door. The sensing range can be set and debugged on site according to customer needs.
    ② Remote control system: Using infrared reception to control quick opening and closing. The remote control is divided into two parts: an infrared receiver box, and a handle type remote control (one handle can also control multiple doors). The use function of the remote control is within the specified range (within 50 meters). Pressing the open button will immediately raise the door, and when someone or a vehicle passes through, the door will automatically close.
    ③ Light curtain control system: It adopts the principle of infrared radiation to control the fast door. The light curtain control system consists of two vertical infrared light columns installed on both sides of the fast door legs. If people or vehicles pass through during the descent process of the fast door, the running fast door will automatically open when encountering the infrared radiation emitted by the light curtain control system, and people or objects will not be collided.
    ④ Interlock control system: The fast door is interlocked through the interlocking signal receiving box. After the interlocking control system is installed, 2-3 doors can be interlocked. The principle of interlocking is that two doors cannot be opened at the same time. When the first door is opened, people or vehicles entering the rear door will automatically close, and after closing, the second door will automatically rise. When people or vehicles pass through the rear door, they will automatically close, The interlocking control system can play a better role in dust and insect prevention at the work site.
    ⑤ Geomagnetic control system: Inductive iron objects can be installed on one or both sides through coils enclosed by induction lines. When cutting the geomagnetic coil, the ground must be made of cement, and the distance for cutting the geomagnetic induction coil can be determined according to customer needs. The benefits of a geomagnetic control system can improve work efficiency faster on site or in the workshop.
    ⑥ Pull rope control system: It can be installed in the required place on the work site according to customer needs. Its opening method is to pull the pull rope to open and close the door when you are in your work position and do not need to move. When people or vehicles pass through the rear door, it will automatically close. The advantage of the pull rope control system is that it is easy and fast to use the quick door, making work more convenient.
    ⑦ Pedestrian vehicle diversion radar: suitable for places where the ground cannot cut geomagnetism, it can replace the function of geomagnetism, and has vehicle running direction detection. It is a very intelligent door opening device.
    That's all for the characteristics of the induction door induction method. I hope it can be helpful to you. For more information, please come to our website http://www.traneyx.com.cn consulting service



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