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    文章出處:http://www.traneyx.com.cn/ 人氣: 0 發(fā)表時間:2022-08-26
    Glass door is a special kind of door leaf. Its thickness is not enough to say that it is a solid door, and it does not belong to a special door. In fact, it is a special form of door leaf. The characteristics of Jinan glass door are determined by the characteristics of glass itself. Do you know anything about glass doors? Let's talk about its classification and signs.
    Decorative glass door
    Including frosted glass, embossed glass, engraved glass, glazed glass, spray glass, ice glass, emulsified glass and other types, mainly due to different patterns. Different colors, good gloss effect, good decorative effect, corrosion resistance, easy cleaning, anti scouring and other characteristics.
    Safety glass door
    Including tempered glass, bulletproof glass, wire glass and laminated glass. Good lighting, easy cleaning, high mechanical strength, good thermal stability, no scattering after fragmentation, and no injury. And it has certain anti robbery, anti-theft and fire prevention functions.
    Energy saving glass door
    Special process and coloring are adopted for the glass to effectively absorb the solar radiation heat and achieve energy saving effect. Secondly, it absorbs ultraviolet and visible light to prevent the impact of ultraviolet on the room and soften the light.
    Coated glass door
    Coated glass has the function of unidirectional penetration of the line of sight (the line of sight can only be viewed from the coated side to the uncoated side). At the same time, it can expand the indoor space and vision, with good thermal insulation and sound insulation effect. It can be used in the walls, columns, corridors, etc. of the building lobby, and also widely used in the external walls of hotels, restaurants, restaurants, bars, banks, hospitals and office buildings.
    The glass induction door literally means the function integration of glass door + induction door, which can be said to be a kind of glass door and also a kind of induction door. It is suitable for hotels, hotels, banks, office buildings, hospitals, shops, etc., and is widely used. The use of induction glass doors can save air conditioning energy, reduce noise, prevent wind and dust, and make our entrance and exit look solemn and high-grade.
    This is all about the classification of glass doors and their corresponding characteristics. You can freely choose the use of glass doors. Of course, you should pay attention to their safety. For more precautions, please visit our website http://www.traneyx.com.cn consulting service



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