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    文章出處:http://www.traneyx.com.cn/ 人氣: 0 發(fā)表時間:2023-01-04
    For the current home decoration, the use of glass not only plays an aesthetic role, but also plays a very important role in lighting, heat preservation and sound insulation. So what are the requirements for the selection and installation of glass in the decoration? The Jinan glass installation manufacturer must pay attention to these points today!
    1: The length, height and slope of the glass must be clearly considered before starting. For the later stage, it is more about maintenance and cleaning. Therefore, it is necessary to communicate these issues with the designer before starting the installation.
    2: It is very important to consider the model of window glass and what kind of glass is used in what place.
    3、 Choose different glass for different rooms. If the bedroom is quiet, it is recommended to choose multi-layer glass. It can not only play the role of sound insulation, but also play the role of heat preservation. At the same time, it is more energy-saving to turn on the air conditioner in summer. In the process of decoration, many users will mention that the bedroom glass should be multi-layer!
    4: It is recommended to use tempered glass if it is used for toilet and door, which can not only ensure safety but also better durability!
    5: In order to better ensure safety, if you want to install glass doors and windows, it is recommended to choose a professional person to do it. Remember not to install them without understanding.
    6: After installing the glass window, it is very important to check the sealing. If there is no other work, you can light a candle to the window to see if there is air leakage.
    Well, that's all for today! What is your feeling or dissatisfaction when you decorate glass doors and windows? You can come to our website anytime http://www.traneyx.com.cn Ask about it!
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