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  • 您好,歡迎訪問濟南凱軒鵬宇玻璃有限公司 網(wǎng)站





    文章出處:http://www.traneyx.com.cn/ 人氣: 0 發(fā)表時間:2021-09-15
    As a new environmental protection material door, KFC door is deeply welcomed by the market and consumers. Especially in cold winter, air leakage is easy to occur, which affects the mood of customers. So how to avoid it?
    1.查找原因,及時。出現(xiàn)漏風大的原因是安裝人員安裝的問題,“千里之堤,潰于蟻穴”,如果安裝不到位或安裝人員不專 業(yè),都會出現(xiàn)漏風的問題,因此要選擇懂行的安裝人員安裝,安裝完后要注意調(diào)試,使用中要注意維修,形成長效機制即可有效避免漏風。
    1. Find out the cause and solve it in time. The reason for large air leakage is the installation personnel's installation problem. If the installation is not in place or the installation personnel are not professional, the air leakage problem will occur. Therefore, select professional and knowledgeable installation personnel for installation. Pay attention to commissioning after installation, pay attention to maintenance during use, and form a long-term mechanism to effectively avoid air leakage.
    2. Select good quality doors produced by regular manufacturers. Regular manufacturers generally have the qualification of reliable quality and complete after-sales service. The quality is no problem. If the quality of KFC door is not good, it will lead to poor sealing and air leakage. Don't choose the low-quality KFC door because it is cheap.
    3. Original accessories shall be selected for after-sales service. The air leakage of KFC door must be due to poor sealing. On the one hand, it has been used for a long time, resulting in poor sealing. On the other hand, the sealing conditions are incomplete and the original accessories are not used, resulting in air leakage.
    Therefore, the above three points can effectively avoid the air leakage problem of KFC door, prolong the service life of KFC door and satisfy customers.
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