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  • 您好,歡迎訪問濟(jì)南凱軒鵬宇玻璃有限公司 網(wǎng)站





    文章出處:http://www.traneyx.com.cn/ 人氣: 0 發(fā)表時間:2022-02-10
    If metal parts such as glass door handle fall off or other functional faults occur during long-term use, the metal parts on the surface of glass door can be removed and replaced during maintenance;
    The glass door frame and glass door fixing frame are constantly worn in continuous use, affecting the push-pull function of the product. In this regard, the failure requires the user to find a professional glass door maintenance shop to replace the aluminum alloy material of the glass door;
    The glass door pulley and other internal accessories are damaged. Users can replace them by purchasing accessories.
    Several points for correctly using the ground spring of glass door:
    If the door closing speed is too fast, the speed regulating button shall be adjusted in time. If there is no response, the ground spring shall be checked for oil leakage. If there is oil leakage, please replace it in time.
    If the ground spring leaks oil, it should be replaced in time. Please do not continue to use it because of potential safety hazards.
    The door leaf can only be opened in one direction. Any man-made strong closing action will lead to the damage of internal components, resulting in one-way opening or damage. Therefore, it is better to automatically return to the position and close the door.
    Check whether the front and rear adjusting buttons are fixed on the ground and whether the left and right adjusting buttons are misaligned.
    It is forbidden to grind the central spindle head of the ground spring without authorization.



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