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    文章出處:http://www.traneyx.com.cn/ 人氣: 0 發(fā)表時(shí)間:2022-02-28
    For enterprises, in order to improve the work efficiency of employees, office partition is the standard configuration. Some use glass partition, others will use screen partition. So as a consumer, how to choose screen office partition? Jinan glass partition manufacturer shares the following contents:
    1. If you divide according to the form, you can simply divide according to the number of glass in the office partition. That is what we often call single glass office partition and double glass office partition. The single glass office partition often adopts tempered glass with a thickness of about 10mm, and the double glass office partition adopts tempered glass with a thickness of about 5mm.
    2. In the material of office partition, this environmental friendly melamine plate is generally used. This kind of office partition can be divided into fixed partition and movable partition. The cost is a little lower. Many small and medium-sized enterprises will choose this more economical and practical office partition. But many companies also use vertical partition.
    3. Among the most popular office partitions now, in addition to glass office partitions, stainless steel office partitions are also very popular among enterprises. There are two main categories: stainless steel glass partition and aluminum alloy partition. In the stainless steel office partition, the sound insulation effect of frosted glass partition and double glass shutter partition of aluminum magnesium alloy partition is very good. Its privacy protection function is also very good.
    4. In terms of shape, generally speaking, the partition at the top of the ceiling is called high partition or high compartment, and the partition wall at the top is called low partition or low partition. This kind of partition is fashionable and generous. The color and style can well reflect the culture of the whole enterprise.



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