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    文章出處:http://www.traneyx.com.cn/ 人氣: 0 發(fā)表時間:2022-03-14
    Have you ever encountered such a problem? If I don't take a bath, I will fall down on the floor, because it will hurt me if I don't wash the floor. Anyway, I will fall down when I get into the bathroom! However, now relying on glass partition can reduce this situation.
    Xiaobian suggested that you can choose to add a glass partition between the shower area and the toilet, which can not only ensure the separation of dry and wet in the toilet, but also let the light circulate. In order to effectively save space, the area of glass partition does not need to be too large. Just separate the shower area from the toilet, which can prevent the bath water from splashing on the toilet and causing mildew.
    If a small partner thinks that the glass partition is too transparent, he can choose the frosted style, which is conducive to protecting privacy. In addition, it can also make the bathroom more interesting.
    I suggest you choose glass partition in the bathroom, because it will not affect the visual beauty, but also prevent water splashing. In addition, in terms of cost, the price is not very expensive, which is reasonable.
    Imagine that if the bathroom is wet for a long time, it will not only make the things inside moldy, but also easily cause trouble to people's safety. Will you feel comfortable in such an environment?



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