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  • 您好,歡迎訪問濟南凱軒鵬宇玻璃有限公司 網(wǎng)站





    文章出處:http://www.traneyx.com.cn/ 人氣: 0 發(fā)表時間:2022-03-25
      As for the cost estimate of installing office glass partitions, many customers ask how much they need to build office partitions. There are many aspects to this problem, so we want to know about it. Of course, there are people worried about the difference between the budget and the actual price will be very big, so let the ji 'nan glass partition personnel for you to analyze it.
      First of all, want to know their office glass partition decoration budget constraints. Under the premise of not affecting the company's current cash flow, we need to calculate the amount of office glass partition decoration, in order to have a roughly amount.
      Second, decide on the scope of your office space. Do you have a complete plan, design, cubicle or partial cubicle that affects your budget?
      Furthermore, understand the market, planning decoration. What you bought was very good. We recommend that you take the time to understand the market. On this basis, we suggest that you can measure your budget and do zoning planning, which will not affect the normal operation of the company's economy, because the office decoration is zoning.
      In general, for some glass partition designers, they calculate the difference between the initial price and the actual price of not more than 10%, 10% and keep the designer may be because the company is according to the office floor plan to calculate the initial offer price, but because the floor plan of the office glass partition rendering may different from actual size office, Prices may vary. In some cases, the customer has some partition item that was not mentioned before (in the initial quotation), such as the need to partition an additional lounge, which may be more than 10%.
      If the customer thinks it meets his budget and decides to use the glass partition, the glass partition company will sign an "agreement" with the customer after paying the initial order. The Agreement will list all prices for all items so that the client understands each section to ensure that there are no vague or arbitrary quotes.
      Additional, as a result of decorating gimmick and style form are numerous, consumer needs to measure his budget first before undertaking office decoration, decide to come through which kind of means or style decorate. If you still don't understand here, you can call http://www.traneyx.com.cn at any time.
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