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    文章出處:http://www.traneyx.com.cn/ 人氣: 0 發(fā)表時間:2022-11-23
    The continuous automatic opening and closing failure of the automatic induction door is a relatively common failure of the automatic door. This failure seriously affects the passage of the installed automatic induction door. The continuous automatic opening and closing of the Jinan induction door for a long time will also lead to other failures, and there is a great potential safety hazard. In addition, what is the reason for the automatic induction door to open automatically when there is no inductive object?
    1. Incorrectly adjusted sensor: check the sensor adjusting button to reduce the sensing angle.
    2. Foreign matters in the sensing area: if there is a moving object in the sensing area, move the object away.
    3. Poor fixing of the chassis cover: check whether the chassis cover screws are locked and re fix them.、
    4. Poor outdoor sensing environment: check the outdoor environment and open the door leaf with other sensing methods.
    5. Incorrectly adjusted sensor: check the sensor adjustment button and slow down the door closing speed.
    6. Sensor failure: check whether the sensor acts wrongly, adjust it, and replace the sensor if it is damaged.
    So how did this trouble trouble most users of automatic induction doors? How to repair? The information content is explained in the above content. If you have any questions http://www.traneyx.com.cn You can actually look at it!
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